欲知更多详情,请联系:英文—Chris Everett (chrise@actintl.com.hk) 中文—Katie Huang(katieh@actintl.com.hk)。
2.以Word文档提交内容和图表,图片分辨率>300 dpi。
1. 产品特写和技术简报集中于特定产品(或产品系列),大约500~1000中文字。
2. 产品应该是新推出的,并可在中国购买。
3. 内容应确定产品主要特点和优势、具体应用领域。
4. 请提供产品图片,分辨率>300 dpi。
5. 内容以Word格式提交。
6. 请提供联系信息,包括电话号码、邮箱和公司网址。
英文, 香港 Chris Everett 魏弘德: chrise@actintl.com.hk
中文, 北京 Katie Huang 黄莺: katieh@actintl.com.hk
关于雅时国际商讯 www.actintl.com.hk
雅时国际商讯(ACT International)成立于1998年,为高速增长的中国市场中广大高技术行业服务。ACT通过它 的一系列产品-包括杂志和网上出版物、培训、会议和活动-为跨国公司及中国企业架设了拓展中国市场的桥梁。ACT的产品包括多种技术杂志和相关的网站,以及各种技术会议,服务于机器视觉设计、电子制造、激光/光电子、射频/微波、化合物半导体、半导体制造、洁净及污染控制、电磁兼容等领域的约二十多万专业读者及与会者。ACT 亦是若干世界领先技术出版社及展会的销售代表。ACT总部在香港,在北京、上海、深圳和武汉设有联络处。
Articles, Products, News Release Submission Guide
You're the expert! Share your expertise and your company's with others. We welcome contributed articles both of a technical nature as well as articles of a non-technical nature that cover the wider political/economic issues affecting technology trends in manufacturing and how engineers may need to respond to them.
Remember, AI in Manufacturing exists to provide a platform for experts like you to communicate with production and manufacturing engineers—engineers who are looking for ways to improve the operation of their manufacturing operations through the use of AI.
The easiest way to get started is to review our editorial calendar to see which topics are of the most interest to our readers. We are very interested in receiving technical articles, application notes, and tutorial articles on the topics mentioned in the calendar. In general, the goal of your contributed article is to present a specific design option or technique to a fairly general manufacturing problem. The article should avoid your company or product promotion. We offer “Product Features” and “Tech Briefs” to announce significant new products and improvements on existing products. These do not carry an author byline but are highly effective in gaining exposure for new product launches.
The process to get your article published is easy. Really! For more details contact us, Chris Everett or Katie Huang (chrise@actintl.com.hk, katieh@actintl.com.hk), so we can explore your article ideas with you.
Technical Articles
A Technical Article should be between 1,500 and 2,500 (English) words long. Priority will be given to submissions in Simplified Chinese with the English version attached. AIM reserves the right to edit before publishing the article.
Submit the text and illustrations in separate files. Please, no pictures or graphs embedded in the text.
Picture resolution should be 300 dpi or greater. The text should be in a MSWord document.
An article in AIM need not contain material not described elsewhere before.
Papers will undergo a review procedure by the editors. Authors will be informed about the status of their articles as soon as possible. The review process typically takes 3-6 weeks.
In addition to the authors' names, please include job titles and the names of the companies that they work for.
Product Features and Tech Briefs concentrate on a specific product (or product family) and should be around 500 (English) words and no more than 1,000 (English) words in length.
The product should be newly launched and can be purchased in China.
The text should identify key features and benefits and list specific areas of application.
Please supply a picture of the product described that will appear at the beginning of the Product Feature (without a caption, with 300 dpi or greater resolution).
Important: please supply the text and the photo in separate files. The text should be in a MSWord document file.
Please note that Product Features do NOT include an author’s by-line and therefore cannot be attributed to an author.
But please do provide both editorial and reader contact information, including phone number, email address, and company website URL.
English, Hong Kong Chris Everett 魏弘德: chrise@actintl.com.hk
Chinese, Beijing Katie Huang 黄莺: katieh@actintl.com.hk
About ACT International Media Group
ACT International serves a wide range of high-technology sectors in the high-growth China market. ACT delivers proven market-access through a range of media products, including technical magazines (both print and online), websites, newsletters, conferences, and events. It serves more than 150,000 professional readers in the fields of semiconductor manufacturing, compound semiconductors, electronic design, electronic manufacturing, contamination control, laser/photonics, optical communications, RF/microwave, and machine vision.
ACT International is also the China sales representative for several world-leading technical publishers and event organizers. ACT is headquartered in Hong Kong with branch offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Wuhan.
( www.actintl.com.hk )